Targets Python

Documentation Status

Targets is the simplified universal file system


Most of the initial code is contributed by luigi project Started as discussion:!topic/luigi-user/ZLGJCj0dBJI

... As a Luigi user for the past couple of years, I have found out that I am using the concept of Luigi targets in most of the projects I was working on. Transparent file system, atomic write/reads, formats is a great functionality, and is highly missing from the global Python eco system. Moreover, going over multiple workflow management project implementations(mrjob,airflow) I have always been surprised to see yet another implementation of the abstraction over fs/ssh/s3/ftp/etc all over again.

As a developer, and especially as a Python developer, I want to focus on implementation of my business requirements, instead of working with low level filesystem APIs. The standard “open” function is simply not strong enough. ...


  • TODO


This package was created with Cookiecutter evgenyshulman/cookiecutter-pypackage and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.

Initial version of Targets is based on Luigi project.

Luigi was built at Spotify, mainly by Erik Bernhardsson and Elias Freider. Many other people have contributed since open sourcing in late 2012. Arash Rouhani is currently the chief maintainer of Luigi.